Dit gisteren geschreven in relatie tot de Tora’s taal van “And it was evening, and it was morning …” >>> The reward which is called “morning” is present before the labor, since it is the initial thought. The labor is called “evening” and its reward is called “morning.” The greatness of the morning is not felt without the necessary labor which is called “evening.” Hence, the labor needs to precede the reward, but during the labor, one must know what the reward is.
And the evening is like the morning when the labor itself becomes the reward, which is the ability to be of service to the Holy One, blessed be He. It is in relation to this that we speak of “hastening.” Also, in relation to this does the psalmist write, “I will awaken the dawn.” And about this do the prophets tell, that the night shall be like day, and that the moon will shine like the sun.
Dus “hastening” is opgevat als “Serving Him” (in whichever way) op zichzelf de Beloning wordt, omdat “He is great and ruling” zoals we van Rabash hebben gelezen.
- Deze reactie is gewijzigd 4 jaren, 8 maanden geleden door MKolman.